Practical Ways To Manage High Cholesterol

What causes high cholesterol, how do we know our levels, and how do we lower high cholesterol? In adults, total chol. levels should be at or below 200mg/dl.High cholesterol can lead to heart disease and stroke, in that it can form  plaques in the artery walls , and they could rupture. LDL (good cholesterol) removes cholesterol from the body. HDL (bad cholesterol)  causes the buildup of cholesterol.. Per the ADA, cholesterol levels should be checked every 5 years- discuss with your doctor.  High blood sugar and blood pressure are risk factors for diabetes and heart disease. Steps taken to lower one s risk, will contribute to longevity.

If you smoke, quit.

Lose weight if needed

Exercise most days, for at least 30 mins.

Eat plenty of low fat, low cholesterol foods with fruit, veges whole grains

Cook with canola, olive, or avocado oil

Your doctor may prescribe a cholesterol lowing medicine

Oatmeal, and othe soluble fiber can lower blood cholesterol levels.

IncludeSalmon, Mackerel, herring, almonds and other sources of Omega3 fatty acids

Eliminate trans-fats, as are in cookies, crackers, and snack cakes

Choose leaner cuts of meat, and low fat dairy

Remember, healthier eating is a lifestyle, not a diet. Discuss with your doctor at your next physical.