The Importance of Timely Health Checkups

Let’s discuss why do we go to the Doctor, Dentist, or Optician? Some reasons are  – Maintenance, Follow-up on previous lab work, Repeat tests/lab, and sickness/discomfort. How often should we see our primary care providers? In general, an annual physical from the 3 afore-mentioned professionals is the reference point of who else needs to be seen.

            Everyone’s health is different- do you know of someone who is rarely sick, and another who has several complaints? Some people get other checkups as well, from their Dietitian, Gastroenterologist, Acupuncturist, Physical therapist, Dermatologist, Allergist, OB/Gyn, and others. Why so many specialists? Sometimes one health concern, such as Diabetes, sets off a chain of events in our bodies, which requires a visit to the OB/Gyn (women), the Dietitian, and the Allergist, and so forth. How do you keep up with your appointments? By writing on a wall or pocket calendar, or tracking in your phone? What works for you?

            Sometimes it can be difficult to get into a doctor’s office due to many other patients’ bookings- It’s always a good idea to be friendly, don’t wait until the condition worsens, speak up, and communicate with the office staff. Sometimes a spot may open when a patient cancels. My Dr’s office charges a $200 fee for no-shows- I show up! Do you see a different doctor every time you visit your doctor’s office? Is your doctor approachable, or rushed?  Do you feel that you have to repeat yourself each visit? Do what’s best for your situation- depending on the quality of care, my time, and driving distance, I have switched doctors. Be honest with your healthcare provider- that allows them to pinpoint your diagnosis better, and generally assures a speedier recovery.

            Do you feel that men or women keep their doctor’s appointments more? Surprise!! According to a 2013 Kaiser family Report, women are more likely to put off going to the doctor than are men. Why is this? Well, there’s the cost, being medically insured or not, having time off from work to go, childcare cost and availability, transportation concerns, and putting families’ needs before theirs, are the most common obstacles. Most are surmountable if they are willing to make changes in their circle of influence.

            With that being said, do you feel you have some obvious or perceived barriers to timely healthcare? If so, what will you do about them? If not, keep up the good job in maintaining your good health!

                                                                                                               Mrs.  Stacey Henry-Arnold. MSc